Ad Snapshots - Ad Grouping


Ad Snapshots - TV Metrics is a major product feature to our B2B SaaS platform. The Ad Snapshots platform allows users to see a library of all TV advertising with ad meta data, ad coding and advanced search capabilities. This update is bringing in our syndicated data to the platform to allow our clients to have a greater understanding of how their advertising is performing.

My Role

  • Come up with design for Ad Grouping overview

  • Build out different use cases for the feature development

  • Write product requirements

  • Prioritize feature developments and backlog items for tech sprints

  • Carry out UAT testing and data validation

  • Liaise with senior leadership on product status and delivery

Product Enhancement


The main goal to bringing in TV metrics were as follows

  1. Allow users to group ads together by dragging and dropping ads from the library into an easy to use dashboard

  2. The grouping feature iterated on the TV Metrics, allowing users to bring ads together but offer them more insight into their data by offering advanced charting features, rather than static information.


Here are some screenshots from the product.


Ad Snapshots - TV Metrics


Sample Boost